Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 21068-1:2008

Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products - Part 1: General information and sample preparation (ISO 21068-1:2008)

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 21068-1:2024
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 21068-1:2008

Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products - Part 1: General information and sample preparation (ISO 21068-1:2008)
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This part of ISO 21068 gives definitions and specifies techniques for the preparation of samples for the chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products including: a) graphite brick containing silicon carbide; b) silicon carbide brick (includes the bricks containing silicon nitride); c) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide mixed with clay; d) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide mixed with silica (and fused silica); e) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide mixed with high alumina material; f) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide mixed with magnesia (and dolomite); g) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide mixed with chrome mineral or magnesia-chrome materials; h) refractories containing carbon and/or silicon carbide except those described in a) to g) above.


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 21068-1:2008

Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products - Part 1: General information and sample preparation (ISO 21068-1:2008)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Standardiseringsarbete utan svenskt deltagande, SIS/TK 998

Internationell titel: Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products - Part 1: General information and sample preparation (ISO 21068-1:2008)

Artikelnummer: STD-66976

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2008-08-18

Antal sidor: 24

Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 21068-1:2024