Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 14112:2020

Fett och oljederivater - Fettsyrametylestrar (FAME) - Bestämning av oxidationsstabilitet (accellererad oxidationsprovning)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 14112:2020

Fett och oljederivater - Fettsyrametylestrar (FAME) - Bestämning av oxidationsstabilitet (accellererad oxidationsprovning)
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the oxidation stability of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) at 110 °C, by means of measuring the induction period up to 48 h.
For induction periods higher than 8,5 h the precision is not covered by the precision statement of this method.
NOTE 1 EN 15751 [1] describes a similar test method for oxidation stability determination of pure fatty acid methyl esters and of blends of FAME with petroleum-based diesel containing 2 % (V/V) of FAME at minimum.
NOTE 2 Limited studies on EN 15751 with EHN (2-ethyl hexyl nitrate) on FAME blends indicated that the stability is reduced to an extent which is within the reproducibility of the test method. It is likely that the oxidation stability of pure FAMEs is also reduced in the presence of EHN when EN 14112 is used for testing.
NOTE 3 For the purposes of this document, the term ''% (V/V)'' is used to represent the volume fraction.


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 14112:2020

Fett och oljederivater - Fettsyrametylestrar (FAME) - Bestämning av oxidationsstabilitet (accellererad oxidationsprovning)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Provning av flytande och gasformiga bränslen, SIS/TK 413

Internationell titel: Fat and oil derivatives - Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) - Determination of oxidation stability (accelerated oxidation test)

Artikelnummer: STD-80026385

Utgåva: 3

Fastställd: 2020-11-30

Antal sidor: 24

Ersätter: SS-EN 14112:2016