Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 11929-1:2021

Bestämning av de karaktäristiska gränserna (beslutsnivå, detektionsgräns och gränser för täckningsintervall) vid mätning av joniserande strålning - Principer och tillämpningar - Del 1: Grundläggande tillämpningar (ISO 11929-1:2019)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 11929-1:2021

Bestämning av de karaktäristiska gränserna (beslutsnivå, detektionsgräns och gränser för täckningsintervall) vid mätning av joniserande strålning - Principer och tillämpningar - Del 1: Grundläggande tillämpningar (ISO 11929-1:2019)
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The ISO 11929 series specifies a procedure, in the field of ionizing radiation metrology, for the calculation of the "decision threshold", the "detection limit" and the "limits of the coverage interval" for a non-negative ionizing radiation measurand when counting measurements with preselection of time or counts are carried out. The measurand results from a gross count rate and a background count rate as well as from further quantities on the basis of a model of the evaluation. In particular, the measurand can be the net count rate as the difference of the gross count rate and the background count rate, or the net activity of a sample. It can also be influenced by calibration of the measuring system, by sample treatment and by other factors.
ISO 11929 has been divided into four parts covering elementary applications in this document, advanced applications on the basis of the ISO/IEC Guide 3-1 in ISO 11929-2, applications to unfolding methods in ISO 11929-3, and guidance to the application in ISO 11929-4.
This document covers basic applications of counting measurements frequently used in the field of ionizing radiation metrology. It is restricted to applications for which the uncertainties can be evaluated on the basis of the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 (JCGM 2008). In Annex A, the special case of repeated counting measurements with random influences is covered, while measurements with linear analogous ratemeters are covered in Annex B.
ISO 11929-2 extends the former ISO 11929:2010 to the evaluation of measurement uncertainties according to the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3-1. ISO 11929-2 also presents some explanatory notes regarding general aspects of counting measurements and on Bayesian statistics in measurements.
ISO 11929-3 deals with the evaluation of measurements using unfolding methods and counting spectrometric multi-channel measurements if evaluated by unfolding methods, in particular, for alpha- and gamma-spectrometric measurements. Further, it provides some advice ...


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 11929-1:2021

Bestämning av de karaktäristiska gränserna (beslutsnivå, detektionsgräns och gränser för täckningsintervall) vid mätning av joniserande strålning - Principer och tillämpningar - Del 1: Grundläggande tillämpningar (ISO 11929-1:2019)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Kärnenergi, SIS/TK 405

Internationell titel: Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the coverage interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation - Fundamentals and application - Part 1: Elementary applications (ISO 11929-1:2019)

Artikelnummer: STD-80027670

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2021-02-15

Antal sidor: 52

Ersätter: SS-ISO 11929-1:2019