Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 16228-7:2014

Borrnings- och grundläggningsutrustning - Säkerhet - Del 7: Utbytbar tilläggsutrustning

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN 16228-7:2014+A1:2021
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 16228-7:2014

Borrnings- och grundläggningsutrustning - Säkerhet - Del 7: Utbytbar tilläggsutrustning
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This European Standard, together with part 1, deals with all significant hazards for interchangeable auxiliary equipment when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer associated with the whole life time of the machine (see Clause 4).
The requirements of this part are complementary to the common requirements formulated in EN 16228 1:2014.
This document does not repeat the requirements from EN 16228 1, but adds or replaces the requirements for application for interchangeable auxiliary equipment.
This document specifies the specific safety requirements for interchangeable auxiliary equipment to be used in drilling and foundation operations, connected with drilling and foundation equipment, agricultural equipment and/or earth moving machinery when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
Interchangeable auxiliary equipment includes pile installation and extraction equipment, impact hammers, extractors, vibrators, deep vibrators, static pile pushing/pulling devices, rotary percussion hammers, rotary drilling drives, drill mast equipment such as leaders equipped with a drill stem and gears attached to the boom of an excavator and casing oscillators/rotators.
Diaphragm wall cutting tools are dealt with in EN 16228 5.


Anläggningsmaskiner (14.090) Anläggningsmaskiner (91.220) Markarbete, utgrävning, grundläggning, arbete under jord (93.020)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 16228-7:2014

Borrnings- och grundläggningsutrustning - Säkerhet - Del 7: Utbytbar tilläggsutrustning
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Anläggningsmaskiner och gruvdrift, SIS/TK 225

Internationell titel: Drilling and foundation equipment - Safety - Part 7: Interchangeable auxiliary equipment

Artikelnummer: STD-101998

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2014-05-25

Antal sidor: 32

Ersätter: SS-EN 996+A3:2009 , SS-EN 791+A1:2009

Ersätts av: SS-EN 16228-7:2014+A1:2021