Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1793-4:2015

Vägutrustning - Bullerskydd - Provningsmetod för bestämning av akustiska egenskaper - Del 4: Produktegenskaper - Fältmätning av ljuddiffraktion

Status: Gällande

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1793-4:2015

Vägutrustning - Bullerskydd - Provningsmetod för bestämning av akustiska egenskaper - Del 4: Produktegenskaper - Fältmätning av ljuddiffraktion
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This European Standard describes a test method for determining the intrinsic characteristics of sound diffraction of added devices installed on the top of traffic noise reducing devices. The test method prescribes measurements of the sound pressure level at several reference points near the top edge of a noise reducing device with and without the added device installed on its top. The effectiveness of the added device is calculated as the difference between the measured values with and without the added devices, correcting for any change in height (the method described gives the acoustic benefit over a simple barrier of the same height; however, in practice the added device can raise the height and this could provide additional screening depending on the source and receiver positions).
The test method is intended for the following applications:
• preliminary qualification, outdoors or indoors, of added devices to be installed on noise reducing devices;
• determination of sound diffraction index difference of added devices in actual use;
• comparison of design specifications with actual performance data after the completion of the construction work;
• verification of the long term performance of added devices (with a repeated application of the method);
• interactive design process of new products, including the formulation of installation manuals.
The test method can be applied both in situ and on samples purposely built to be tested using the method described here.
Results are expressed as a function of frequency, in one-third octave bands between 100 Hz and 5 kHz. If it is not possible to get valid measurements results over the whole frequency range indicated, the results shall be given in the restricted frequency range and the reasons of the restriction(s) shall be clearly reported. A single-number rating is calculated from frequency data.
For indoors measurements see Annex A.


Buller förorsakat av transportmedel (17.140.30) Vägutrustning och väginstallationer (93.080.30)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1793-4:2015

Vägutrustning - Bullerskydd - Provningsmetod för bestämning av akustiska egenskaper - Del 4: Produktegenskaper - Fältmätning av ljuddiffraktion
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Vägutrustning, SIS/TK 248

Internationell titel: Road traffic noise reducing devices - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 4: Intrinsic characteristics - In situ values of sound diffraction

Artikelnummer: STD-8013552

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2015-03-22

Antal sidor: 44

Ersätter: SIS-CEN/TS 1793-4:2004